Dicciusu e Frastimmusu
Oggi un modo di dire che mi son sentita ripetere moltissime volte! E sapete chi mi diceva questo e quando? I miei genitori ogni volta
Welcome! Are you ready to discover the Island with me? I am Bagamunda, vagabond in Sardinian language, from my childhood nickname, I’m a tour guide. Sardinia is the place where I was born and raised and it’s the place where I wanted to come back after every experience abroad.
I love it deeply and I’m here to let you know about it!
Sardinia Bagamunda was born as a wildflower during the spring of 2020. Each page of my blog is a bit like a petal of that flower that slowly unfolds and over time reveals new stories. Real stories though. I tell you all about my island through my experiences and my great passions: Sardinian traditions, local food and art. Three worlds full of ideas that contain within them many facets and nuances of Sardinia, surrounded by a turquoise sea, breathtaking views and coastlines so different that each deserves a dip.
But Sardinia as a precious casket you will understand that it has much more to offer. In addition to the enchanting colors of its sea, Sardinia will surprise you for the variety of legends and myths, recipes so ancient whose origin is lost in the maze of its history and contamination of peoples who inhabited the island, and so the art, as an expression of creativity but also as great ability and talent of the craftsmen, an artistic island in line with the times thanks to local contemporary artists who sometimes boast international fame.
I write about Sardinia, which for me is like a centuries-old olive tree: roots firmly rooted in the ground, branches caressed by that wind that every day ruffles our hair and untangles our thoughts, and leaves that want to fly, traveling through ancient paths towards future destinations. Never isolated, indeed at the center of the Mediterranean, it is a surprising combination of cultures.
Let’s start then! Enjoy your trip!
Oggi un modo di dire che mi son sentita ripetere moltissime volte! E sapete chi mi diceva questo e quando? I miei genitori ogni volta
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